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Did you know that going deep into projects with your students is more beneficial than drastically flipping themes on a weekly basis? ​


Project-based learning (PBL) in the context of the Reggio Emilia philosophy offers a child-centered approach that empowers children to explore and construct their knowledge through hands-on, inquiry-based projects. Unlike a teacher-determined thematic-based curriculum (that kind that changes weekly), PBL is an evolution over time and encourages active engagement, critical thinking, and collaboration. This approach aligns with the core principles of the Reggio Emilia philosophy and brings several benefits to children in early childhood education.

PBL in the Reggio Emilia tradition values the child as an active participant in their learning journey. It recognizes that children have unique interests, ideas, and capabilities, and aims to nurture their innate curiosity. By engaging children in long-term projects that align with their interests and questions, PBL provides a platform for children to delve deep into topics of personal significance, fostering a sense of ownership and motivation in their learning.

Some curriculum "races" children through a pre-determined outline of ideas and discourages students from deviating. PBL promotes collaboration and social interaction among children. As they work on projects together, they learn to communicate, negotiate, and share ideas with their peers. This collaborative environment empowers students to develop their social skills, empathy, and respect for diverse perspectives. The Reggio Emilia philosophy emphasizes the importance of social relationships and the belief that learning is a social process, and doing it together is even better!

PBL also promotes critical thinking and problem-solving skills. Through project work, children encounter real-world and in-the-momentchallenges that require them to analyze, evaluate, and generate solutions. They develop the ability to think critically, make connections, and apply their knowledge in meaningful ways. This approach fosters innovation and prompts children through the naturally occurring issues along their inquisition. 

By contrast, a teacher-determined thematic-based curriculum often follows a predetermined set of topics and activities, limiting children's autonomy and stifling their natural curiosity. It may not align with their individual interests, needs, or cultural backgrounds. One project could provide our students into 20-25 milestones to practice in one day, where as the "Letter of the Week" limits our children from "wandering" off of letter "Dd" for the next 5 days. When the topic isn't relative to a child, we all know, their engagement (and the likelihood of them retaining this information) is not happenin'. We'd rather notice "Dd"s (and all of the letters) all of the time and throughout the entire year!

So yes, some of these projects might take place for months at a time; however, the deeper we can go together, the better chance we have at practicing more learning processes as a team!


Here are a few examples of projects that could take place in a kindergarten classroom:

Exploring Outer Space:

Students show an interest in planets and space. The project could involve researching the solar system, creating models of planets, and learning about astronauts and space exploration. But it could also showcase a fascination or questions about light and begin a new deep dive!

Investigating Animals:

Students express curiosity about different animals. The project could involve researching various animals, their habitats, and adaptations. Students could create a class zoo or develop a mini-diorama of different animal habitats. 


Growing a Classroom Garden:

Students collaborate with local gardeners or research together to learn about gardening. They plan, design, and cultivate a garden in the schoolyard, exploring concepts such as plant life cycles, healthy eating, and sustainability. Taking care of this natural world takes time and consistent effort, patience is required to experience your hard work over time. 


Fairy Tale Engineering:

Students integrate literacy and engineering by designing and building structures inspired by fairy tales. They explore materials, structural stability, and storytelling elements while constructing structures like bridges, towers, or houses from fairy tales. We get curious about strength an comparison words enter our vocabulary and science center. 

Weather Watchers:

A storm came and there were questions about this whole thunder thing. Students explore weather phenomena by combining science, art, and literacy. They observe weather patterns, record data, create weather charts, and document their findings in a weather journal or a class weather blog. Sound experiments to test theories that 'thunder can't hurt us'.

Dad's Peloton:

Students realize a similarity between parents and fitness habits. The class begins to learn about healthy eating, exercise, and personal hygiene by integrating math, science, and health education. They explore nutritious food choices, design exercise routines, and create booklets or posters to track their abilities (hello, autonomy!)

Earth Protectors:

Students saw trash blocking a storm drain during a nature walk and wanted to know 'who put that there'? They explore pollution in books and communicate about the risks of leaving trash out versus sorting it away. They research ways to protect the Earth, create awareness posters, and post signs they design outside to remind our neighbors to keep trash in cans.

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