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Project Care

Our school has partnered with a local school in Baltimore County to adopt 70 (...yes, 70) local 6-7 year olds to support *with our Reggio students* for the holidays. Reggio students and teachers have been hard at work preparing for our favorite project of the year and we can't wait to include our community in for the (sleigh) ride. 



here's what you need to know: 

Our school will be sponsoring a local school in Baltimore County to adopt 70 (...yes, 70) local 6-7 year olds to support *with our Reggio students* for the holidays (classrooms of a dear friend to Ms. Redifer and Ms. Hart) 


The Baltimore County students, as well as some beautiful children will be extremely appreciative of any little item received- they are expecting nothing. Because of the connections we have to these children in need, we are very aware of some of the personal struggles of the children and the high needs they have-especially around the holiday season. We know the magic that is Project Care and the more we can do together now means the less children this young have to worry about over break. Our school wants to give these children not only basic means to support them over the holiday break, but the human right to childhood that our community gets the privilege to access together unconditionally. 


With a total of 70 children in need, this means we need your help playing

magic-maker. A lot of it. 




5 ways to help: 

1. Internal Classroom Donations: Reggio students and parents sign-up on their classroom lists to donate items that 70 children are going to end up with, giving each child a holiday bag with very exciting materials, holiday spirit, and some resources for being home for an extended period of time during break. 


2. Amazon Wishlist: Community members, neighbors, friends, family, and anyone looking for ways to give back this year can also send donations from our universal Project Care Donation List through Amazon. Please use this list for any questions you might have (you are welcome to ship directly to Reggio but please shop *with* your child so they can be a part of the process!)


[There are plenty more items/ideas that you and your family/friends can collect to go into these bags for these children in need. Please understand that anything additional is going to be insanely appreciated. Different items that could be contributed are: love notes/cards, bags, blankets, books, keychains, and any other fun stuff an 6-7 year old child might love!]


3. Project Care Fund: Donations towards our Project Care Fund can be made on your behalf for members of our teaching team to do shopping on your behalf: @Candice-Schoolman


4. Support by Volunteering: You can attend our Wrap Party on the evening of December 13th from 4-5:30 where we will need all hands on deck!


5. Spread the word to my team: Your office, company, business, networking group, neighborhood, or any other group or organization you are a part of can be more involved with Project Care (donating, wrapping, volunteering, decorating) - please email our admin team so we can leverage your help for this season!

[ Email to help: ]


...sharing this page helps our goals for these kids, too!



As the holiday season fills our lives with joyful gatherings, ​endless family dinners,​ unconditional gifts, and ​a mad dash to make all of the traditions​ happen, ​Reggio take​s special pride in ​k​eeping our students grounded here at school as we dedicate our school’s curriculum to a truly ​i​ntentional learning experience: ​P​roject Care

​This annual initiativ​e of learning about, organizing, collecting, and wrapping gifts for peers in our community—becomes ​such an impactful experience for our children, teaching empathy, generosity, and the power of giving without expecting anything in return. Year after year, ​our community witnesses​ our students grow ​in ways we couldn't imagine as they ​embrace the learning processes affiliated with Project Care. 

Thank you for being part of our 6th Annual holiday tradition here at Reggio, all while teaching our children the true meaning of giving. Our entire team appreciates you for keeping this project full of energy, it's the most wonderful time of our year. 

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